2023 King of the Hill Hdcp #9
Standings for Side Action

HDCP High Game Wed Jan 4 at 7:00
Game $
Game 1
Kiante Depree 283 (279+4)
Kelly Stevens 223 (223+0)
Chase Branum 217 (195+22)
Drake Mullen 216 (209+7)
Dee Maldonado 215 (125+90)
Kevin Vandehey 215 (188+27)
Ronnie Berry 192 (158+34)
Rocky Key 187 (168+19)
Chris Armstrong 187 (165+22)
Richie Tharp 181 (159+22)
Game 2
Ronnie Berry 266 (232+34)
Drake Mullen 265 (258+7)
Kelly Stevens 225 (225+0)
Rocky Key 223 (204+19)
Richie Tharp 216 (194+22)
Kevin Vandehey 215 (188+27)
Chase Branum 214 (192+22)
Dee Maldonado 200 (110+90)
Chris Armstrong 193 (171+22)
Kiante Depree 186 (182+4)
Game 3
Kelly Stevens 279 (279+0)
Rocky Key 256 (237+19)
Richie Tharp 245 (223+22)
Kevin Vandehey 242 (215+27)
Kiante Depree 229 (225+4)
Drake Mullen 216 (209+7)
Chris Armstrong 212 (190+22)
Chase Branum 206 (184+22)
Dee Maldonado 202 (112+90)
Ronnie Berry 184 (150+34)