2024 Millennium 1st League 2024-2025
Standings for Millennium 1st League 2024-2025

$5 Eliminator Hdcp
Sorted by: last game
$5 Eliminator Hdcp 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 VICTOR THOMAS 256 (225) 286 (255) 274 (243) 723 816 $15.00
2 CHRIS WATKINS 257 (255) 268 (266) 226 (224) 745 751 $10.00
3 THELTON COBB 222 (187) 241 (206) 393 463 elim
4 MIKE PAYNE 209 (201) 201 209 elim
5 CHASE VALENZUELA 199 (191) 191 199 elim