2024 Jamz Session League
Standings for Jamz Session League

Sorted by: last game
MEN HDCP ELIMINATOR 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 John Schmidt 248 (229) 254 (235) 284 (265) 729 786 $100.00
2 Demetrius Duggans 231 (205) 253 (227) 243 (217) 649 727 $60.00
3 Khaleel Thomas 268 (255) 244 (231) 235 (222) 708 747 $20.00
4 Calvin Godwin 228 (201) 241 (214) 206 (179) 594 675
5 Mark Hinkle 255 (234) 248 (227) 185 (164) 625 688
6 Keith Cordy 230 (212) 231 (213) 425 461 elim
7 Ralph Barnes 230 (204) 215 (189) 393 445 elim
8 Desmond Cribb, II 269 (236) 203 (170) 406 472 elim
9 CJ Cale 232 (223) 189 (180) 403 421 elim
10 Austin Patterson 225 (216) 216 225 elim
11 Chris Waligora 224 (214) 214 224 elim
12 Andre Fuqua II 223 (170) 170 223 elim
13 Christopher Smith 219 (210) 210 219 elim
14 Jarod Jones 212 (212) 212 212 elim
15 Reginald Hamilton 211 (184) 184 211 elim
16 David Pichardo 210 (194) 194 210 elim
17 Torrey Coleman 208 (163) 163 208 elim
18 Thomas Zalys 191 (167) 167 191 elim