2021 Lane Glo Trios Side Action Jan
Standings for Lane Glo Trios Side Action Jan

Handicap Singles sorted by total overall pins
Handicap Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Cliff Barnes 249 274 246 239 1008 1080
2 Trey Thompson 236 258 202 182 878 1058
3 Jerry Thornton 225 216 187 214 842 1038
4 Richard Simpson 228 219 254 227 928 1032
5 Duane Podgorski 243 218 234 235 930 1002
6 John Moore 257 255 181 246 939 991
7 Vernon Crouch III 279 245 231 161 916 988 3
8 Darryl Dempsey 259 231 237 237 964 964 27
9 Anthony Wiegand 268 234 232 228 962 962 29
10 Bob Clark 216 223 257 180 876 960 31
11 Michael Harrison 229 236 193 211 869 957 34
12 Kyle Wolfman 167 232 165 231 795 951 40
13 Samantha Richards 150 146 173 193 662 934 57
14 Keith St. Armand 254 256 196 191 897 933 58
15 Lionel Johnson 204 161 235 192 792 924 67
16 Kevin Krzyzanski 198 253 177 147 775 923 68
17 James Gilbow 201 248 193 220 862 922 69
18 Melissa Riccardi 171 208 223 230 832 920 71
19 Stacey Sharkey 180 179 214 133 706 910 81
20 Danny Wynn 200 259 229 185 873 909 82
21 Kris Yaklin 216 221 254 209 900 900 91
22 Travis Kinstle 196 179 234 194 803 895 96
23 Justin Mandell 259 200 192 225 876 884 107
24 Doug Rudy 171 194 188 214 767 883 108
25 Robert Cisco 187 199 179 192 757 877 114
26 Dee Walsh 141 195 203 152 691 875 116
27 Joey Flood 224 215 177 255 871 871 120
28t Anthony Russo 225 236 197 204 862 862 129
28t Alison Wynn 169 186 175 176 706 862 129
30 Chad Ashley 154 245 202 179 780 860 131
31 Doug Sharkey 162 202 161 201 726 858 133
32 Krissy Koller 132 171 171 161 635 851 140
33 Walter Crouch II 181 143 174 169 667 847 144
34 Rich Lancaster 179 215 224 172 790 790 201
35 Rich Koller 183 178 182 188 731 783 208

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