2023 Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct
Standings for Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct

Hcdp Singles sorted by scratch
Hcdp Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Mark Polaski Jr 300 265 266 300 1131 1131 $120.00
2 Brent Smith 249 258 244 300 1051 1199 -68 $60.00
3 Syndiee Volentine 288 251 268 214 1021 1237 -106 $20.00
4 Michael Berg 234 295 223 266 1018 1130 1 107
5 Jeff Kaja 276 243 254 226 999 1191 -60 46
6 Rachael Matthew 241 277 298 182 998 1174 -43 63
7 Armando Fernandez 219 222 266 276 983 1119 12 118
8 Dustin Volentine 250 232 230 265 977 1025 106 212
9 Tammy Smith 239 210 241 255 945 1141 -10 96
10 Bill Zwit 245 233 252 212 942 1162 -31 75
11 Andrew Savaria 238 231 225 242 936 1120 11 117
12 Dennis Thomas 197 246 254 229 926 1062 69 175
13 Rafael Agosto 213 195 237 242 887 1019 112 218
14 Karen Plazewski 184 219 268 213 884 1064 67 173
15 Pablo Adorno 208 220 209 236 873 1009 122 228
16 Grant Stebbins 219 203 235 208 865 973 158 264
17 Rodney Bubar 163 206 162 278 809 997 134 240
18 Chris Mathews 230 203 152 144 729 1053 78 184
19 Stephen Caltabiano 161 167 212 150 690 998 133 239
20 Rhonda Heil 186 161 128 156 631 959 172 278
21 Erin Elsdon 167 121 109 123 520 872 259 365

Scan for Standings