2023 Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct
Standings for Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct

Hdcp Eliminator #2
Sorted by: last game
Hdcp Eliminator #2 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Armando Fernandez 253 (219) 256 (222) 300 (266) 310 (276) 983 1119 $50.00
2 Andrew Savaria 284 (238) 277 (231) 271 (225) 288 (242) 936 1120 $20.00
3 Syndiee Volentine 342 (288) 305 (251) 322 (268) 268 (214) 1021 1237 $10.00
4 Michael Berg 262 (234) 323 (295) 251 (223) 752 836 elim
5 Rodney Bubar 210 (163) 253 (206) 209 (162) 531 672 elim
6t Steve Ackerman 269 (232) 244 (207) 439 513 elim
6t Dustin Volentine 262 (250) 244 (232) 482 506 elim
8 Grant Stebbins 246 (219) 230 (203) 422 476 elim
9 Rafael Agosto 246 (213) 228 (195) 408 474 elim