2023 November YOUTH TVMT HDCP
Standings for November YOUTH TVMT HDCP

HDCP 115-159 sorted by scratch
HDCP 115-159   1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers Home Center as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Landen Peterson ML 169 156 169 176 670 962
2 Cooper Pankowski WG 141 188 148 182 659 987
3 Dylan Peterson ML 182 141 140 151 614 938
4 Alayna Woods ML 153 153 136 161 603 923
5 Kate Schweinberg ML 130 135 172 147 584 908
6 Trevor Jacobson ML 144 165 136 138 583 855
7 Karli Post CB 157 148 163 113 581 853
8 Xander Myers ML 150 107 180 136 573 837
9 Hannah McDonald ML 139 113 136 152 540 884 -47
10 Jacob Davis CB 138 149 100 115 502 850 -13
11 Michael Vincent ML 110 113 138 125 486 858 -21
12 Kaleb Bobiner CB 118 124 82 121 445 769 68
13 David Jensen ML 100 82 115 102 399 775 62

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