2023 November YOUTH TVMT HDCP
Welcome to the 2023 November YOUTH TVMT HDCP

Hosted by Caldwell Bowl
2121 Blain st
Caldwell, ID 83605

Nov 19,2023

HDCP 160+ - $25 entry
HDCP 115-159 - $25 entry
HDCP 114 & below - $20 entry
HDCP 160+ SEMI - $0 entry
HDCP 115-159 SEMI - $0 entry
HDCP 114 & below SEMI - $0 entry
HDCP 160+ FINAL - $0 entry
HDCP 115-154 FINAL - $0 entry
HDCP 114 & below FINAL - $0 entry

Entries are now closed for this tournament. You can see the results right here at
Just click 'Standings' on the green bar above.
Contact Director

** A note from your tournament director:
Please PrePay on Venmo! @tvmtdirector (Teresa Meek)(7315)