HDCP Doubles sorted by total overall pins
HDCP Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Robert Hylton / Mark Polaski Jr 568 484 476 449 1977 1989 $150.00
2 Robert Eddy / Mark Polaski Jr 446 437 471 468 1822 1946 43 $70.00
3 Pamela Stewart / Paul Pettis 396 443 383 425 1647 1939 50 7
4 Davion Swiney / George Reith 422 503 464 373 1762 1930 59 16
5 Robert Hylton / George Reith 495 474 425 372 1766 1922 67 24
6 Donna Pruchnik / Pamela Stewart 416 359 355 423 1553 1921 68 25
7 Robert Little / George Reith 419 407 384 436 1646 1846 143 100
8 Joesph Veloso / Candida Veloso 362 336 302 353 1353 1837 152 109
9 Ashley Schwartz / Donnie Schwartz, Jr 403 439 407 402 1651 1827 162 119
10 Mark Polaski, Sr. / George Reith 396 394 326 355 1471 1791 198 155
11 Raymond Tigertail / Crystal Tigertail 345 385 382 400 1512 1772 217 174
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