H-Eliminator #1 (1-3)
Sorted by: last game
H-Eliminator #1 (1-3) 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Glen Syngo 267 (235) 262 (230) 285 (253) 718 814 $100.00
2 Donnie Schwartz, Jr 233 (224) 267 (258) 257 (248) 730 757 $60.00
3 Jess Atamanchuk 231 (166) 260 (195) 249 (184) 545 740 $30.00
4 George Reith 245 (206) 254 (215) 236 (197) 618 735 $20.00
5 Robert Hylton 289 (289) 259 (259) 228 (228) 776 776 $10.00
6 Matt Bartle 233 (211) 242 (220) 214 (192) 623 689 $10.00
7 Joesph Veloso 259 (201) 263 (205) 212 (154) 560 734 $10.00
8 Pamela Stewart 269 (225) 232 (188) 413 501 elim
9 Ryan Brower 235 (186) 227 (178) 364 462 elim
10 Chris Owens 300 (279) 221 (200) 479 521 elim
11 Donna Pruchnik 239 (191) 219 (171) 362 458 elim
12 Corey Byrd 245 (223) 205 (183) 406 450 elim
13 David Stouffer 259 (259) 191 (191) 450 450 elim
14 Brandon Schendel 228 (212) 212 228 elim
15 Wayne Topolyn 227 (216) 216 227 elim
16 Austin Horton 225 (225) 225 225 elim
17 Logan Lee 223 (205) 205 223 elim
18 Crystal Tigertail 221 (181) 181 221 elim
19 Scott Cooper 220 (215) 215 220 elim
20 Ashley Schwartz 214 (179) 179 214 elim
21 Frank Mulrine, Jr 212 (190) 190 212 elim
22 John Hough 205 (201) 201 205 elim
23 Steve Ackerman 201 (170) 170 201 elim
24 Paul Pettis 200 (171) 171 200 elim
25 David Forbes 191 (172) 172 191 elim