2024 SMAJBT Greenway Singles
Standings for SMAJBT Greenway Singles

Boys HDCP sorted by total overall pins
Boys HDCP 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Colton Adams 235 171 149 202 190 947 1207
2 Mason Mackin 220 205 141 204 189 959 1134 73
3 Dawson Whitt 159 161 164 184 149 817 1087 120
4 Jason Lyons 160 129 142 150 135 716 1026 181
5 Derrick Massie 143 148 181 161 187 820 1025 182
6 Desmen Johson 142 166 181 135 98 722 1007 200
7 Marshall Wilcher 159 146 200 135 178 818 998 209
8 Jaden Thompson 165 158 156 128 147 754 989 218
9 Mason Elmer 134 128 122 175 146 705 930 277

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