2024 SMAJBT Greenway Singles
Standings for SMAJBT Greenway Singles

Open Scratch Division
Open Scratch Division 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Lead
1 Jackson Veitch 210 254 205 269 210 1148
2 Clayton Washington 151 209 279 221 185 1045 103
3 Ryan Davis 190 168 206 230 202 996 152
4 Christopher Muckle 206 147 201 172 213 939 209
5 Michael Jones 171 182 157 199 196 905 243
6 Braeden York 167 168 160 220 189 904 244
7 Xavier Hamlett 185 139 186 140 171 821 327
8 Brodeur Bradley 154 154 186 130 193 817 331
9 Garrett Block 134 166 159 165 164 788 360
10 Carter Whyte 170 125 136 120 184 735 413

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