2023 April Draft
Standings for April Draft

april Draft up to game 2
april Draft 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Ron Motiv / Erick Perez 468 454 383 369 922 1002 $300.00
2 Brandon Keller / Tilani O'Neil 489 472 427 474 961 983 19 $200.00
3 Kenny Armstrong / Jaydon Whitehead 481 439 404 385 920 964 38 $140.00
4 Steve Rucker / Tim Cambridge 383 436 359 512 819 951 51 $80.00
5 Lana Novoa / Marilyn Alaniz 331 480 361 358 811 925 77 26
6 Kerstin Tresler / Dylan Butler 307 305 248 277 612 924 78 27
7 Greg Andries / Vic Jeffries 426 382 394 383 808 916 86 35
8 David Patch / Pat Andries 429 314 350 342 743 905 97 46
9 Amber Cramer / Ralph Merritt 361 357 366 338 718 892 110 59
10 Tiffany Belvin / Monica Merritt 378 341 358 330 719 881 121 70
11 Justin Pruitt / Lonnie Wood 321 379 361 394 700 880 122 71
12 Natalie Wedderier / Matt Mionske 364 361 349 381 725 871 131 80
13 Tiara McCray / Mark Butler 378 358 461 376 736 852 150 99
See individual results

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