2019 Hal Troy Memorial Challenge
Standings for Hal Troy Memorial Challenge

Semis - Handicap up to game 2
Semis - Handicap 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Kayleigh Lewis 1464 157 125 122 1746 1940
2 Dante Sellgren 1309 213 181 156 1703 1801
3 Brennen Haley 1303 112 113 110 1528 1716
4t Kassandra Foss 1309 112 161 119 1582 1702 14 $90.00
4t Carter Humphries 1290 114 166 157 1570 1702 14 $90.00
6 Torrin Stone 1261 106 137 90 1504 1696 20 $70.00
7 Samson Zepeda 1273 145 153 169 1571 1695 21 $60.00
8 Toby Wills 1283 139 113 129 1535 1673 43 $55.00
9 Sophia Johnson 1289 112 90 101 1491 1671 45 $50.00
10 Paige Harns 1256 146 170 170 1572 1644 72 $45.00
11 Tiffany Benger 1287 138 152 182 1577 1643 73 $40.00

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