2017 End of the Year
Standings for End of the Year

End of the Year only game 2
End of the Year 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200
1t Steve Seely 278 300 212 211 300 +100
1t Joe Ballard 278 300 300 300 300 +100
1t Jack Heck 264 300 242 245 300 +100
4t Jim Pallock 278 278 300 251 278 +78
4t Gary Kurensky 263 278 262 300 278 +78
4t John Verdeschi 231 278 300 256 278 +78
7 Tara Pontelandolfo 257 273 261 300 273 +73
8t Lou Tones 243 264 243 300 264 +64
8t Chris Rebstock 277 264 300 254 264 +64
10 Jessica Warrick 258 258 232 205 258 +58
11 Vincent Corvarvi 229 256 246 191 256 +56
12 Billy Street 228 254 241 298 254 +54
13 Jason Hicks 230 250 217 209 250 +50
14 Keith DeMaine 300 244 266 287 244 +44
15 John Shea 178 240 145 141 240 +40
16 Jim Kalkowski 210 235 269 222 235 +35
17 Mike Hall 192 231 213 252 231 +31
18 Antonio Franco 245 223 246 210 223 +23
19 George Bakshys 300 213 300 300 213 +13
20 Ed Piascik 168 211 290 188 211 +11
21 Matthew Gualtieri 241 208 255 286 208 +8
22 Howard Towers 200 194 208 254 194 -6
23 Jim Lucia 192 186 242 222 186 -14

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