2023 Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct
Standings for Team Hdcp NO TAP Tournament - Oct

Hdcp Eliminator #2
Sorted by: subtotal game 3
Hdcp Eliminator #2 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Syndiee Volentine 342 (288) 305 (251) 322 (268) 969 268 (214) 1021 1237 $50.00
2 Michael Berg 262 (234) 323 (295) 251 (223) 836 752 836 $20.00 elim
3 Andrew Savaria 284 (238) 277 (231) 271 (225) 832 288 (242) 936 1120 $10.00
4 Armando Fernandez 253 (219) 256 (222) 300 (266) 809 310 (276) 983 1119
5 Rodney Bubar 210 (163) 253 (206) 209 (162) 672 531 672 elim
6 Steve Ackerman 269 (232) 244 (207) 439 513 elim
7 Dustin Volentine 262 (250) 244 (232) 482 506 elim
8 Grant Stebbins 246 (219) 230 (203) 422 476 elim
9 Rafael Agosto 246 (213) 228 (195) 408 474 elim