2024 CATL Millennium 240811
Standings for CATL Millennium 240811

$5 Elim 4-6 Hdcp
Sorted by: game 6
$5 Elim 4-6 Hdcp 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Michael Payne 236 (208) 286 (258) 240 (212) 678 762 $20.00
2 BRUCE THOMAS 233 (188) 241 (196) 206 (161) 545 680 $10.00
3t RON GOZA 228 (200) 216 (188) 388 444 elim
3t MIKE PAYNE 237 (228) 195 (186) 414 432 elim
5t KYLE LOVELL 206 (168) 168 206 elim
5t JASON TRAMMEL 200 (180) 180 200 elim
5t ALEX THOMAS SR 173 (148) 148 173 elim