2024 CATL Millennium 240811
Standings for CATL Millennium 240811

$5 Elim 4-6 Hdcp
Sorted by: last game
$5 Elim 4-6 Hdcp 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Michael Payne 236 (208) 286 (258) 240 (212) 678 762 $20.00
2 BRUCE THOMAS 233 (188) 241 (196) 206 (161) 545 680 $10.00
3 RON GOZA 228 (200) 216 (188) 388 444 elim
4 MIKE PAYNE 237 (228) 195 (186) 414 432 elim
5 KYLE LOVELL 206 (168) 168 206 elim
6 JASON TRAMMEL 200 (180) 180 200 elim
7 ALEX THOMAS SR 173 (148) 148 173 elim