2025 New Year Doubles
Standings for New Year Doubles

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 David Schmitzer 240 (236) 260 (256) 500 188 (184) 676 688 elim
2 Donald (DJ) Cooper Jr. 258 (258) 224 (224) 482 226 (226) 215 (215) 923 923
3 Benjamin Thompson 243 (231) 235 (223) 478 215 (203) 657 693 elim
4 Juan Daniel Rodriguez 235 (235) 236 (236) 471 247 (247) 206 (206) 924 924 elim
5 Albert-Miles Ayala-Nicolau 255 (216) 205 (166) 460 248 (209) 241 (202) 793 949
6 Nicholas Luevano 221 (221) 234 (234) 455 216 (216) 210 (210) 881 881 elim
7 Grant Rosenfeld 244 (244) 206 (206) 450 227 (227) 224 (224) 901 901
8 Cole Copeland 264 (264) 184 (184) 448 448 448 elim
9 Christopher Mercaldo 209 (172) 238 (201) 447 207 (170) 543 654 elim
10 Jonathan Barry 225 (225) 221 (221) 446 253 (253) 215 (215) 914 914
11 Michael Strak 246 (246) 189 (189) 435 435 435 elim
12 Fredrick Simpson Sr. 209 (197) 221 (209) 430 193 (181) 587 623 elim
13 Ryan KLIVE-LOGSTON 262 (256) 168 (162) 430 418 430 elim
14 Kenneth Brockman 210 (202) 215 (207) 425 215 (207) 616 640 elim
15 Eliseo Sanchez 218 (204) 205 (191) 423 202 (188) 583 625 elim
16 Robert Davie Jr 211 (211) 209 (209) 420 237 (237) 269 (269) 926 926
17 Scott Martin 213 (213) 204 (204) 417 221 (221) 181 (181) 819 819 elim
18 Tony Buss 226 (226) 188 (188) 414 414 414 elim
19 Dominic Gonzales 187 (178) 186 (177) 373 355 373 elim
20 Isaiah Jones III 189 (177) 170 (158) 359 335 359 elim
21 Michael Fisher 166 (143) 143 166 elim
22 Nikita Koshelev 144 (144) 144 144 elim