2025 New Year Doubles
Standings for New Year Doubles

Singles Event
Sorted by: last game
Singles Event 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Chuck Raggio 218 (207) 246 (235) 203 (192) 245 (234) 868 912
2 Kenneth Brockman 210 (202) 215 (207) 215 (207) 242 (234) 850 882
3 Fredrick Simpson Sr. 209 (197) 221 (209) 193 (181) 228 (216) 803 851
4 Sean McAleer 174 (126) 193 (145) 269 (221) 227 (179) 671 863
5 Maksim Krupenin 234 (232) 277 (275) 203 (201) 226 (224) 932 940
6 Grant Rosenfeld 244 (244) 206 (206) 227 (227) 224 (224) 901 901
7 Ryan KLIVE-LOGSTON 262 (256) 168 (162) 194 (188) 223 (217) 823 847
8 Benjamin Thompson 243 (231) 235 (223) 215 (203) 221 (209) 866 914
9t Christopher Mercaldo 209 (172) 238 (201) 207 (170) 219 (182) 725 873
9t Tony Buss 226 (226) 188 (188) 140 (140) 219 (219) 773 773
11 Donald (DJ) Cooper Jr. 258 (258) 224 (224) 226 (226) 215 (215) 923 923
12 Richard McAleer 181 (179) 206 (204) 228 (226) 211 (209) 818 826
13 Juan Daniel Rodriguez 235 (235) 236 (236) 247 (247) 206 (206) 924 924
14 Nikita Koshelev 144 (144) 194 (194) 202 (202) 204 (204) 744 744
15 Michael Fisher 166 (143) 186 (163) 162 (139) 202 (179) 624 716
16 Eliseo Sanchez 218 (204) 205 (191) 202 (188) 198 (184) 767 823
17 Dominic Gonzales 187 (178) 186 (177) 199 (190) 181 (172) 717 753
18 Valerie Fisher 197 (147) 244 (194) 134 (84) 171 (121) 546 746
19 Cole Copeland 264 (264) 184 (184) 245 (245) 152 (152) 845 845