2021 Aloma Cup
Standings for Aloma Cup

Handicap Eliminator (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jeff Szymanski 270 (227) 246 (203) 516 211 (168) 598 727
2 Enrique Espinosa 274 (258) 241 (225) 515 483 515 elim
3 Khaleel Thomas 263 (263) 247 (247) 510 169 (169) 679 679
4 Gabriel Ortiz 244 (214) 232 (202) 476 416 476 elim
5 Jordan Bragg 272 (256) 195 (179) 467 435 467 elim
6 Darell Smith 231 (203) 231 (203) 462 406 462 elim
7t Daniela Ramirez 235 (199) 223 (187) 458 386 458 elim
7t Anthony Poltorak 238 (200) 220 (182) 458 382 458 elim
9 Hernan Ramirez 233 (232) 213 (212) 446 444 446 elim
10t Adam McGuire 223 (176) 176 223 elim
10t Carlos Meza 223 (202) 202 223 elim
12 Thomas Perhai 222 (155) 155 222 elim
13 Keith P Mattei 219 (188) 188 219 elim
14 John Adkins Jr 196 (169) 169 196 elim
15 William Kenner 193 (165) 165 193 elim
16 Elizabeth McBriant 188 (157) 157 188 elim