2021 Last One Standing
Standings for Last One Standing

Last One Standing (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 6,subtotal game 2
Last One Standing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 William Ganem 231 (231) 220 (220) 451 227 (227) 258 (258) 247 (247) 234 (234) 1417 223 (223) 169 (169) 1809 1809 $655.00
2 Regis Payne 212 (211) 194 (193) 406 228 (227) 211 (210) 289 (288) 213 (212) 1347 1341 1347 $350.00 elim
3 Barry Xayachack 213 (171) 259 (217) 472 230 (188) 223 (181) 214 (172) 205 (163) 1344 1092 1344 $275.00 elim
4 Chris Causey 218 (190) 252 (224) 470 216 (188) 226 (198) 239 (211) 183 (155) 1334 1166 1334 $160.00 elim
5 Sung So Ji 193 (143) 229 (179) 422 223 (173) 223 (173) 228 (178) 235 (185) 1331 162 (112) 1143 1493 $160.00 elim
6 Sandi Charles 205 (199) 190 (184) 395 231 (225) 223 (217) 209 (203) 239 (233) 1297 189 (183) 208 (202) 1646 1694 $160.00
7 Jamie Shell 207 (181) 221 (195) 428 268 (242) 267 (241) 207 (181) 1040 1170 elim
8 Bobby Wacker 186 (186) 256 (256) 442 223 (223) 211 (211) 192 (192) 1068 1068 elim
9 Israel Lozada 194 (154) 201 (161) 395 231 (191) 242 (202) 194 (154) 862 1062 elim
10 Toby Martin 234 (213) 201 (180) 435 198 (177) 217 (196) 192 (171) 937 1042 elim
11 Jason Stephens 205 (189) 235 (219) 440 183 (167) 206 (190) 169 (153) 918 998 elim
12 Eric Odette 204 (204) 236 (236) 440 257 (257) 201 (201) 898 898 elim
13 Nick Prax 249 (201) 215 (167) 464 233 (185) 193 (145) 698 890 elim
14 John Henderson 270 (245) 206 (181) 476 182 (157) 193 (168) 751 851 elim
15 JD Hardcastle 193 (148) 216 (171) 409 251 (206) 188 (143) 668 848 elim
16 Jim Maxson 206 (197) 183 (174) 389 248 (239) 181 (172) 782 818 elim
17 Jason Stockton 204 (191) 196 (183) 400 216 (203) 189 (176) 753 805 elim
18t Trent Brown 180 (152) 238 (210) 418 200 (172) 186 (158) 692 804 elim
18t Alexis Rivera 191 (137) 223 (169) 414 201 (147) 189 (135) 588 804 elim
20 Vince Simmons 200 (176) 233 (209) 433 198 (174) 167 (143) 702 798 elim
21 Jean Maxson 204 (193) 199 (188) 403 225 (214) 164 (153) 748 792 elim
22 Jeff Ferguson 216 (195) 178 (157) 394 202 (181) 183 (162) 695 779 elim
23 Josh Maxson 213 (213) 193 (193) 406 188 (188) 594 594 elim
24 Ed Hellon 200 (188) 178 (166) 378 215 (203) 557 593 elim
25t Tahirah Turner 208 (160) 183 (135) 391 201 (153) 448 592 elim
25t Glen Dewald 166 (112) 196 (142) 362 230 (176) 430 592 elim
27 Jeff Vanecek 202 (194) 153 (145) 355 232 (224) 563 587 elim
28 Ed McEathron 168 (146) 218 (196) 386 194 (172) 514 580 elim
29t Benny Fajkus 220 (211) 163 (154) 383 191 (182) 547 574 elim
29t James Grutter 162 (127) 202 (167) 364 210 (175) 469 574 elim
31 Hunter Madison 187 (163) 197 (173) 384 187 (163) 499 571 elim
32 Myra Payne 205 (151) 190 (136) 395 174 (120) 407 569 elim
33 Austin Hammond 212 (158) 173 (119) 385 183 (129) 406 568 elim
34 Russ Whiddon 175 (156) 200 (181) 375 192 (173) 510 567 elim
35 Zach Shaver 199 (188) 170 (159) 369 196 (185) 532 565 elim
36 Eric House 184 (144) 197 (157) 381 183 (143) 444 564 elim
37 Lonnie Bridges 194 (162) 205 (173) 399 161 (129) 464 560 elim
38 Jaxson Bonnett 210 (186) 165 (141) 375 171 (147) 474 546 elim
39t Isaac James 165 (133) 200 (168) 365 177 (145) 446 542 elim
39t Donnie Shaffer 185 (178) 141 (134) 326 216 (209) 521 542 elim
41 Morris Fryer 152 (98) 182 (128) 334 196 (142) 368 530 elim
42 Thomakata (TT) Turner 193 (139) 180 (126) 373 146 (92) 357 519 elim
43 Danny Barkley 169 (160) 189 (180) 358 129 (120) 460 487 elim
44 Mark Quinn 168 (168) 162 (162) 330 147 (147) 477 477 elim