2022 4....3...2..1 Eliminator
Standings for 4....3...2..1 Eliminator

Eliminator Side Pot (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 5
Eliminator Side Pot 5 6 7 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Keith Ylvisaker 267 (267) 186 (186) 224 (224) 677 677
2 Tom Foster 266 (256) 198 (188) 248 (238) 682 712
3 Gary Koch 257 (225) 199 (167) 214 (182) 574 670
4 Juan Aponte 253 (244) 195 (186) 216 (207) 637 664
5 Amir Simpson 251 (204) 206 (159) 230 (183) 546 687
6 Howard Strause 239 (212) 295 (268) 220 (193) 673 754
7 Rebecca Detwiler 234 (149) 217 (132) 213 (128) 409 664
8 Dodge Flynn 227 (179) 280 (232) 246 (198) 609 753
9 Robert Caniff 224 (190) 224 (190) 241 (207) 587 689
10 Shawn Whitelaw 223 (223) 226 (226) 234 (234) 683 683
11 Michael Dragon 221 (213) 165 (157) 191 (183) 553 577 elim
12 Felipe Espriu Jr. 215 (215) 234 (234) 215 (215) 664 664
13 Nykolas Walker 215 (203) 212 (200) 190 (178) 581 617 elim
14 Robert Cooper 214 (201) 184 (171) 182 (169) 541 580 elim
15 Byron Franek 211 (188) 190 (167) 207 (184) 539 608 elim
16 Mike Hodge 210 (202) 242 (234) 229 (221) 657 681
17 Ricardo Matty 209 (189) 176 (156) 191 (171) 516 576 elim
18 Dylan Taylor 208 (208) 235 (235) 206 (206) 649 649 elim
19 Eddie Wilcox 186 (167) 189 (170) 211 (192) 529 586 elim
20 Jeanette Hatfield 185 (155) 186 (156) 206 (176) 487 577 elim