2022 HEINZ 57 TRIO - NOV
Standings for HEINZ 57 TRIO - NOV

H-Eliminator #1 (1-4) (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 4
H-Eliminator #1 (1-4)   1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) Team as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Carlos Delgado 242 (223) 266 (247) 234 (215) 266 (247) 932 1008 $100.00
2 Keith Cross 245 (237) 286 (278) 242 (234) 253 (245) 994 1026 $60.00
3 Richard Rathjen, Jr 271 (259) 281 (269) 226 (214) 238 (226) 968 1016 $30.00
4t Charlie Ferrara 239 (200) 259 (220) 220 (181) 601 718 elim
4t Crystal Tigertail 255 (213) 254 (212) 216 (174) 599 725 elim
6t Wallace Johnston 229 (205) 250 (226) 431 479 elim
6t Bruce Kaizer 227 (211) 231 (215) 426 458 elim
6t Scott Cobb 282 (280) 229 (227) 507 511 elim
6t Corey Constantine 275 (239) 207 (171) 410 482 elim
6t Mae Stevens 248 (214) 194 (160) 374 442 elim
11t Michael Thackery 226 (176) 176 226 elim
11t Corey Byrd 224 (213) 213 224 elim
11t Matt Bartle 217 (195) 195 217 elim
11t Corissa Robson 216 (196) 196 216 elim
11t David Bloom 214 (182) 182 214 elim
11t Jerry Goulding 212 (168) 168 212 elim
11t Jerry Mikulanec 207 (195) 195 207 elim
11t Billy Seymour 205 (204) 204 205 elim
11t Ora Williams 197 (145) 145 197 elim
11t Rosezetta Lima 189 (119) 119 189 elim