2024 LG Monthly Doubles - Dec 2024
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - Dec 2024

Handicap Doubles
Handicap Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Thomas Ridgley Jr / Dick Kanatzar 432 452 382 365 405 2036 2276
2 Ronnie Howard / Calvin Godwin 382 413 452 482 425 2154 2274
3 Justin Booth / Jeff Roberson 425 434 479 404 390 2132 2272
4 Ty Taylor / John Parsons 448 451 394 459 437 2189 2254 18
5 Patrick McCarthy / Khaleel Thomas 427 451 453 458 456 2245 2245 27
6 Adrian Salas / Reginald Hamilton 431 439 415 387 437 2109 2224 48
7 Crystal Stutler / Lionel Johnson 411 409 387 430 420 2057 2197 75
8 Ryan Williams / Alexander Piekarz 401 459 420 444 405 2129 2179 93
9t Jabre Smith / Adam Heidemann 367 408 444 473 417 2109 2174 98
9t Brynton Mathers / Bryan Mathers 406 371 478 369 385 2009 2174 98
11 Raymond Arrazcaeta / James Skaggs 379 409 399 467 369 2023 2173 99
12 Rich Lancaster / Justin Paxton 470 485 460 419 338 2172 2172 100
13 Ray Hatte / Daniel Jones 358 498 480 299 359 1994 2154 118
14 Kile Caya / Rich Laudadio 400 446 313 421 350 1930 2115 157
15 Tony Hoang / Derrick Dial 393 406 369 353 394 1915 2075 197
16t Dave Howard / John Kline 354 258 272 269 348 1501 1996 276
16t Vince McKeoun / Vincent Spangle Jr. 417 428 400 327 354 1926 1996 276
18 Austin Patterson / Austin Andrews 405 428 352 372 405 1962 1962 310
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