2024 LG Monthly Doubles - Dec 2024
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - Dec 2024

Senior 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Jeff Roberson 246 277 267 209 201 1200 1295 $70.00
2 Lionel Johnson 233 217 200 203 219 1072 1157 $20.00
3 Thomas Ridgley Jr 209 226 177 177 202 991 1126 31
4 Ronnie Howard 196 192 236 278 212 1114 1119 38
5 Rich Lancaster 256 227 235 205 178 1101 1101 56
6 Derrick Dial 180 236 220 197 207 1040 1060 97
7 John Kline 199 122 146 145 173 785 1055 102
8 Rich Laudadio 177 211 169 238 157 952 952 205
9 Dave Howard 155 136 126 124 175 716 941 216

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