2021 Lane Glo Singles July 2021
Standings for Lane Glo Singles July 2021

Handicap Doubles
Handicap Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Sean Riccardi / Melissa Riccardi 469 478 483 481 439 2350 2525 $140.00
2 David Stouffer / Samantha Richards 397 489 456 371 406 2119 2459 $100.00
3 Melissa Riccardi / Madison Beck 399 424 438 382 405 2048 2373 $80.00
4 Logan Frankenfield / Samantha Richards 305 464 375 291 312 1747 2347 $60.00
5 Sean Riccardi / Madison Beck 446 462 491 397 392 2188 2338 $40.00
6 Kyle Sheffield / Scott Evans 322 413 400 360 378 1873 2328 $30.00
7 Melissa Riccardi / Charles Smith 372 385 374 383 375 1889 2324 $20.00
8 Melissa Riccardi / Chris Fisher 409 409 390 439 394 2041 2311 13
9 Daniela Ramirez / BJ Smith 411 441 408 388 490 2138 2308 16
10 Samantha Richards / BJ Smith 386 458 362 343 417 1966 2306 18
11 Sean Riccardi / Charles Smith 419 423 427 398 362 2029 2289 35
12 Eric Davis / Stephanie VanTassel 340 321 367 291 353 1672 2277 47
13 Lewis Martin / Jennah Lilly 356 492 388 432 384 2052 2272 52
14 Madison Beck / BJ Smith 421 420 429 377 445 2092 2242 82
15 Stephen Warren / Chuck Riley 374 357 320 359 339 1749 2239 85
16 Nic Evans / Scott Evans 371 416 403 370 365 1925 2235 89
17t Khaleel Thomas / Jennah Lilly 338 452 407 451 350 1998 2218 106
17t Sean Connolly / Madison Beck 430 400 436 386 401 2053 2218 106
19 Jarod Jones / Sean Connolly 459 421 388 450 465 2183 2213 111
20 Nic Evans / Kyle Sheffield 323 441 369 352 367 1852 2207 117
21 Lionel Johnson / James Gilbow 337 483 349 430 392 1991 2206 118
22 Charles Smith / Daniela Ramirez 339 390 361 310 373 1773 2203 121
23 Logan Frankenfield / Michael Strunk 280 397 445 354 341 1817 2202 122
24 Samantha Richards / Charles Smith 314 407 315 265 300 1601 2201 123
25t Tom Bozquez / Daniela Ramirez 380 461 423 406 335 2005 2200 124
25t Daniela Ramirez / Hernan Ramirez 338 431 416 368 477 2030 2200 124
27 BJ Smith / Charles Smith 394 381 365 378 415 1933 2193 131
28 Samantha Richards / Cory Misura 389 443 359 280 366 1837 2177 147
29 Kevin Fischer / BJ Smith 380 404 401 434 460 2079 2174 150
30 Arthur Wynn / Sean Connolly 413 418 451 430 403 2115 2170 154
31 Charles Smith / Sean Connolly 403 361 372 387 371 1894 2169 155
32 Marchelle King / Tirus Page 398 345 386 401 431 1961 2151 173
33 Madison Beck / Charles Smith 349 369 382 299 328 1727 2137 187
34 Arthur Wynn / Tirus Page 400 410 455 408 422 2095 2135 189
35 Brittany Shingle / Sean Connolly 375 347 378 396 379 1875 2130 194
36 Khaleel Thomas / Antonio Alls 370 437 425 431 371 2034 2124 200
37 Stephon Latulas / James Gilbow 355 439 428 360 452 2034 2114 210
38 Brittany Shingle / Madison Beck 321 355 388 308 336 1708 2098 226
39t Tom Bozquez / Charles Smith 363 401 380 396 260 1800 2085 239
39t Charles Smith / Hernan Ramirez 321 371 373 358 402 1825 2085 239
41 Hernan Ramirez / Tom Bozquez 362 442 435 454 364 2057 2082 242
42 Kevin Fischer / Charles Smith 308 353 354 356 343 1714 2069 255
43 Cory Misura / Charles Smith 397 366 362 315 364 1804 2064 260
44 Kenny DeGroff / Allen Schmidt 435 470 328 343 330 1906 2061 263
45 Antonio Alls / Tirus Page 386 420 404 377 421 2008 2058 266
46 Cristian Azcona / Charles Smith 439 330 313 321 389 1792 2052 272
47 Tirus Page / Stephon Latulas 393 379 440 328 457 1997 2042 282
48 Antonio Alls / Jennah Lilly 282 479 356 344 339 1800 2030 294
49 Rosie Rodriguez / James Ward 333 320 303 278 290 1524 2019 305
50 Allen King / Tirus Page 414 344 402 369 422 1951 2016 308
51 Lionel Johnson / Antonio Alls 303 467 331 345 336 1782 2012 312
52 Marcus McCray / Stephon Latulas 392 393 442 274 460 1961 2006 318
53 Marchelle King / Allen King 354 313 354 340 371 1732 1987 337
54 Stephon Latulas / Chris Fisher 362 380 398 319 384 1843 1983 341
55 Allen King / Antonio Alls 342 388 372 316 361 1779 1894 430
See individual results

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