2022 King of the Hill - Top 24 & Points
Standings for King of the Hill - Top 24 & Points

Top 24 Qualifying
Top 24 Qualifying 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Cale Landrum 156 203 212 571 664
2 Chad Barrett 215 192 255 662 662
3 Dee Maldonado 125 110 149 384 651
4 George Everett 158 232 194 584 644
5 Justin Neff 214 204 208 626 626
6 Logan Harrison 171 163 224 558 612
7 Kiante Depree 174 201 191 566 611
8 Thomas Williams 195 149 200 544 586
9 Dennis Bruce 192 159 192 543 585
10 John Johnson 157 190 168 515 569
11 Brandon Hardin 171 154 141 466 556
12 Brandon Troutman 176 150 171 497 551
13 Anthony Berry 167 130 192 489 549 2 $30.00
14 Richie Tharp 155 173 145 473 542 9 $30.00
15 Cameron Bandy 175 165 152 492 534 17 $30.00
16 Jeremiah Tribble 182 142 123 447 525 26 $30.00
17t Ronnie Berry 123 140 131 394 505 46 $30.00
17t Trey Robbins 166 165 156 487 505 46 $30.00
19 Kelly Stevens 152 196 156 504 504 47 $30.00
20 Tanner Seal 164 169 167 500 500 51 $30.00
21 Drake Mullen 165 169 156 490 490 61 $30.00
22 Jacob Bern 157 162 116 435 483 68 $30.00
23 Skyler Pemberton 153 170 140 463 472 79 $30.00

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