2023 September 2023 trios
Standings for September 2023 trios

September 2023 Trios
September 2023 Trios 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Robert Harms / Myles Johnson / Jordan Kloster 748 717 654 638 675 3432 3532 $270.00
2 Keith Janning / Jen Puffett / Jeff Puffett 622 600 622 670 687 3201 3456 76 $129.00
3 Jason Clayton / Jeff Christianson / Ricky Lebeck 549 685 622 703 656 3215 3370 162
4 Kat Buttler / Chase Buttler / Ryan Mahurin 426 453 516 463 487 2345 3345 187 25
5 Mike Miller / Brett Abbotts / John Woodford 665 599 626 565 624 3079 3314 218 56
6 Aaron Rodriguez / Matt Brown / Austin Rodriguez 570 573 583 570 587 2883 3248 284 122
7 Dana Gibson / Cameron Voss / Dan Lloyd 456 527 538 538 526 2585 3105 427 265
See individual results

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