Standings for HDCP 5 GAME SWEEPER - Oct

HDCP Doubles
HDCP Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Mason Griffin / Tim Kreamer 347 368 426 429 428 1998 2293 $100.00
2 Scott Cobb / Mike Quirk 428 441 406 385 429 2089 2259 34 34
3 Tyler Christian / Karin Miller 427 328 322 327 341 1745 2225 68 68
4 Robert Eddy / Jason Davis 411 404 374 323 472 1984 2204 89 89
5 Raymond Tigertail / Crystal Tigertail 393 360 427 301 347 1828 2153 140 140
6 Scott Cobb / Nathan Saura 370 405 310 326 308 1719 2144 149 149
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