Standings for KSBO: SINGLES

KSBO: 205 AND UNDER 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Ryan Fox 190 183 221 204 218 1016
2 Alex Smith 205 199 220 201 159 984
3 Jessica Helmonds 177 183 166 223 231 980
4t Carl Anderson 180 166 227 185 203 961
4t Evan Smith 185 205 174 216 181 961
6 Skilur Lammi 228 161 200 190 180 959
7 Jeff Helmonds 182 196 211 174 132 895 64
8 Becky Gratzer 150 163 202 162 213 890 69
9 Marc Ensey 170 184 191 159 181 885 74
10 Alex Ruiz 195 169 171 179 170 884 75
11t Gary Louderman 160 201 163 178 173 875 84
11t Kurt Strep 189 169 166 128 223 875 84
13 Melissa Tinker 209 165 157 185 133 849 110
14 Joe Vanruth 159 166 166 155 193 839 120
15 Clint Glenn 183 188 160 146 158 835 124
16 Hannah Sutton 166 152 150 178 161 807 152
17 Chuck Smith 155 175 138 190 132 790 169
18 Larry Jones 138 164 154 143 189 788 171
19 ALEX RUIZ 195 195 390 569
20 EVAN SMITH 185 185 370 589
21 CLINT GLENN 183 183 366 593
22 JESSICA HELMONDS 177 177 354 605
23 SKILUIR LAMMI 228 228 731
24 ALEX SMITH 205 205 754
25 GARY LOWDERMAN 160 160 799
26 JOE VANRUTH 159 159 800
27 BECKY GRATZER 150 150 809

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