TANK SINGLES 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jason Tankersley 195 269 278 742 787
2 Kollier Pavy 276 278 227 781 781
3 James Hughes 183 176 164 523 712
4 Dallas Snider 242 166 210 618 711
5 Wayne Yokie 228 196 188 612 696
6t Clayton Blaylock 173 247 212 632 692
6t Korey Turner 196 126 166 488 692
8 Wayne Yokie 188 171 248 607 691
9 Derringer Randy 200 169 188 557 683
10 Dusty Watson 208 194 192 594 681
11 John Burton 130 158 198 486 678
12 Wayne Turner 174 214 195 583 676
13 Zach Kelly 233 193 218 644 674
14 Sue Jones 166 167 159 492 672
15 Mark Brunck 192 211 224 627 663
16 Brady Adler 176 225 259 660 660
17 Chris Hayes 185 197 183 565 658
18 Casey Scudder 170 213 166 549 657
19 Tankerlsy Brandon 148 153 199 500 656
20 Kinman Regina 138 160 171 469 655
21 James Hughes 168 157 140 465 654
22 Dusty Watson 177 171 215 563 650
23 Randy Derringer 167 158 198 523 649
24 Devin Tankerlsy 153 158 205 516 648
25 Combs Jan 138 138 126 402 642
26 Johnny Morgan 192 197 173 562 637
27t Jerry Turner 157 223 171 551 635
27t Keith Lynam 148 171 223 542 635
29 Alexisn Brunck 227 191 157 575 632
30t Wayne Turner 130 170 237 537 630
30t Korey Turner 185 128 137 450 630
32t Derrick Bladen 205 178 157 540 627
32t Derrick Bladen 152 219 169 540 627
34t Tammy Hayes 170 112 122 404 626
34t Wayne Turner 215 157 161 533 626
36t Sue Jones 144 119 180 443 623
36t Les Jones 215 168 183 566 623
38t Anthony Kasper 170 130 124 424 622
38t Crystal Lynam 90 132 118 340 622
38t Wade Hughes 193 157 152 502 622
41t Wayne Turner 151 214 162 527 620
41t Brandon McAfee 197 189 159 545 620
43t Ric Mccormick 206 207 205 618 618
43t Tankerlsy Andrew 138 167 145 450 618
45 Wesley Stewart 209 142 201 552 612
46 Brandon Tankerlsy 155 180 120 455 611
47 Cathy Lynam 100 107 117 324 609
48 Kelly Zach 152 234 179 565 598
49 Albright Diana 157 100 160 417 591
50 Jennifer Tankerlsy 109 108 84 301 586
51 Ric Mccormick 225 198 158 581 581
52t Eric Castle 170 152 169 491 566
52t Caleb Furnish 190 161 155 506 566
54 Tim Bear 127 179 163 469 565
55 Tina Yokie 100 101 106 307 559
56 Albright Kristi 93 114 99 306 555
57 David Ayers 202 196 156 554 554
58 Dustin Eaglin 146 169 165 480 552
59 David Ayers 157 199 194 550 550
60 Dalton Laufer 108 123 132 363 543
61 Mrs. Timber 107 116 112 335 527
62 Johnnie Ball 224 156 144 524 524
63t Brady Adler 169 170 182 521 521
63t Conner Mike 97 128 128 353 521
65 Jason Sisler 134 107 107 348 516
66 Dustan Phillps 170 189 127 486 486
67t Combs Cansas 105 63 28 196 436
67t Edgington Lindsay 75 62 59 196 436

Scan for Standings