2024 Lane Glo Trios Side Action March
Standings for Lane Glo Trios Side Action March

Handicap Singles
Handicap Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Patrick McCarthy 257 259 300 244 1060 1096 $150.00
2 Chris Waligora 205 279 225 279 988 1064 $90.00
3 Josh Cockrell 193 216 216 169 794 1050 $70.00
4 Nate Garcia 278 247 279 245 1049 1049 $50.00
5 Justin Paxton 276 228 278 243 1025 1025 $40.00
6 Ryan Williams 267 188 257 268 980 1016 $30.00
7 Jalen Hulse 197 228 233 210 868 1008 $20.00
8 Dustin Hatfield 259 214 265 203 941 1005 $10.00
9t Brian Hane 210 244 223 265 942 1002 3
9t Greg Blankenship 299 247 200 256 1002 1002 3
11 Cameron Howard 214 247 234 225 920 1000 5
12 Kaleb Koller 135 163 191 101 590 990 15
13 Brian Valenta 247 252 222 263 984 984 21
14 Victor Santa 290 203 210 234 937 981 24
15 Lenny Solt 239 237 259 242 977 977 28
16 Sidney Schroschk 244 237 258 227 966 966 39
17 Gunner Watson 217 213 246 285 961 961 44
18 Marcelo Reyes 181 209 194 212 796 952 53
19t Elise Bolton 201 197 245 268 911 947 58
19t Joe Brannon 214 250 247 232 943 947 58
21 Jack Page 178 215 202 212 807 943 62
22 Elliott McLane 211 191 266 226 894 942 63
23 Garrett Totten 176 254 214 201 845 925 80
24 Alex Piekarz 203 249 205 205 862 922 83
25 Calvin Godwin 202 219 162 182 765 921 84
26 Rich Koller 243 226 257 194 920 920 85
27 Jason Hurd 205 247 223 244 919 919 86
28 Brian Rodriguez 193 249 192 171 805 909 96
29 Chad Hawk 189 207 211 236 843 907 98
30 Lonnie Jones 262 205 227 208 902 902 103
31 Jeff Roberson 172 218 245 200 835 895 110
32 Steve Boynton 150 142 159 214 665 893 112
33 Sean Crosby 205 205 219 258 887 887 118
34 Dylan Vanness 150 168 202 170 690 886 119
35 Tim King 184 190 185 201 760 880 125
36 Vince McKeoun 276 176 193 158 803 879 126
37 Rich Lancaster 257 159 253 189 858 878 127
38 Mike Kirinsky 222 210 170 207 809 873 132
39 Tirus Page 214 232 169 209 824 860 145
40 Benny Ingenito 170 170 202 224 766 858 147
41t Tyler Zarcone 194 182 175 171 722 846 159
41t Michelle Jones 227 166 190 195 778 846 159
43 Corey Green 205 184 188 149 726 842 163
44 Stephen Scheck 163 180 150 222 715 839 166
45 Cody McAuliffe 156 172 181 205 714 818 187
46 Dan Utter 183 171 173 139 666 806 199

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