2024 Kewaunee Scratch April Cosmic
Standings for Kewaunee Scratch April Cosmic

Kewaunee Scr Apr Cosmic
Kewaunee Scr Apr Cosmic 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Ryan King 197 207 212 289 905
2 Dave Laundrie 212 224 212 230 878
3 Robert Hankins 209 246 198 221 874
4 Preston Slack 300 170 211 192 873
5 Kent Jacobson 237 192 224 208 861
6 David Cole 239 160 268 188 855
7 Dylan Shafel 214 257 174 191 836
8 Andy Alger 276 168 223 156 823
9 Travis Rosinsky 159 270 234 159 822
10 Brooklyn Eisner 255 205 168 193 821
11 Zach Brzeckowski 198 195 210 202 805
12 Troy Felsinger 168 215 216 204 803
13 Carter Heldmann 247 187 177 155 766 37
14 TJ Lautenbach 197 199 200 160 756 47
15 Craig Schefe 171 190 182 201 744 59
16 Justin Hartel 160 191 181 206 738 65
17t Jordan Smits 195 148 167 200 710 93
17t Troy Herrera 160 150 178 222 710 93
19 Trinity Rosinsky 167 191 181 154 693 110
20 Scott Nellis 171 180 171 169 691 112
21 Barry Thompson 168 170 156 175 669 134
22 Braiden Goldman 127 170 189 180 666 137
23 Jessica Auld 181 160 148 142 631 172
24t Gabriel Hankins 157 165 176 130 628 175
24t Jaxon Slack 133 182 153 160 628 175
26t Claire Connors 167 120 148 167 602 201
26t Landon Beauprey 153 157 165 127 602 201
28 Dylan Cherney 158 142 168 129 597 206
29 Annika Kasuboski 159 132 158 131 580 223
30 Brodix Hankins 151 135 127 119 532 271
31 Rebecca Hankins 100 121 183 114 518 285
32 Louisa Schefe 104 114 122 136 476 327

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