2024 Amatuer Tournament
Standings for Amatuer Tournament

Amatuer Tournament Handic
Amatuer Tournament Handic 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 David Barthalow 157 181 225 186 176 194 1119 1383 $700.00
2 Jacob Hopper 169 153 172 174 183 251 1102 1354 29 $350.00
3 Jakob Robertson 228 227 186 213 266 205 1325 1325 58 $200.00
4 Margaret Ebron 152 159 141 134 120 154 860 1298 85 $150.00
5 Christopher Hale 136 173 195 188 223 212 1127 1283 100 $100.00
6 TJ Strickland 241 172 159 173 167 204 1116 1248 135 35
7 Prestin Holliman 212 222 213 170 162 156 1135 1243 140 40
8 Rocky Key 160 172 204 158 215 217 1126 1240 143 43
9t Ayden Wille 224 198 163 226 210 210 1231 1231 152 52
9t Michael German 158 212 150 176 170 149 1015 1231 152 52
11 DERRICK KELLY 180 160 171 179 183 158 1031 1229 154 54
12 Donovan Moore 158 160 190 177 142 175 1002 1212 171 71
13t Corey Lewis 180 253 179 143 212 192 1159 1207 176 76
13t Percy Bradley 208 193 152 212 193 183 1141 1207 176 76
15 Andrew Weltlich 190 146 236 193 176 191 1132 1174 209 109
16 Scott Weltlich 222 183 188 190 171 197 1151 1157 226 126
17 Andrey Roberts 212 166 216 187 161 171 1113 1155 228 128
18 William Eddings 119 123 170 122 192 136 862 1144 239 139
19 Michael Dailey 224 145 225 169 213 163 1139 1139 244 144
20 Harry Dailey 151 158 113 121 97 99 739 1111 272 172
21 Morgan Holliman 108 139 148 115 121 128 759 1029 354 254

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