2024 JBC - Big Guy/Little Guy
Standings for JBC - Big Guy/Little Guy

Majors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Will Stewart 188 210 224 206 205 147 221 211 1612
2 Chayse Rutledge 276 236 171 151 166 196 173 185 1554
3 Caiden Kiplinger 216 113 216 173 145 202 158 234 1457
4 Anthony Auer 180 173 185 210 162 195 167 173 1445
5 Owen Sadler 154 175 156 158 151 159 191 280 1424
6 Hayden Johnson 146 188 163 185 158 179 210 185 1414
7 Liam Reinke 221 144 180 139 171 201 180 168 1404
8 Sam Beck 199 151 204 223 177 131 153 163 1401
9 Julia Henderson 211 155 126 159 182 214 150 192 1389
10 AMANDA BREVARD 192 179 134 151 158 203 160 207 1384
11 London Graham 173 220 184 177 151 210 135 129 1379
12 Jacob King 178 174 174 159 187 196 157 153 1378
13 Brian Loretta 189 163 206 158 180 156 169 155 1376
14 ATHENA MARTIN 197 175 176 152 185 151 158 179 1373
15 Henry Lewis 171 145 150 178 201 177 199 145 1366
16 Kelvin Boyd 184 158 144 179 182 147 199 140 1333
17 Brody Hogenson 155 164 169 185 172 183 158 114 1300
18 Logan Hedrick 178 151 144 192 142 178 171 125 1281
19 Jack Hunsucker 181 163 148 157 160 129 139 191 1268
20 Maddie Brandenberger 143 188 140 157 161 132 171 163 1255
21 Ryder Corbin 123 159 162 139 182 124 166 182 1237
22 Charlie Jenkins 170 236 143 145 143 149 129 121 1236
23 Jackson Welch 98 175 134 152 133 112 116 143 1063

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