Standings for NO TAP / TEN PIN MIX UP - SEPT

Senior Hdcp Singles
Senior Hdcp Singles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Sherry Cockfield 300 300 276 202 247 198 1523 1757 $100.00
2 William White 241 266 300 234 230 181 1452 1650 107 $50.00
3 Brian Roberts 203 219 275 254 207 245 1403 1619 138 31
4 Kevin Hoeppner 210 277 247 169 215 223 1341 1605 152 45
5 Robert Wukasch 228 233 296 269 213 174 1413 1563 194 87
6 Robert Hylton 300 300 256 205 214 268 1543 1543 214 107
7 Jim Goodwin 232 202 216 203 177 187 1217 1541 216 109
8 Syndiee Volentine 241 252 300 159 180 160 1292 1526 231 124
9 TJ Williams 219 221 230 158 192 168 1188 1524 233 126
10 Greg Warters 222 280 277 222 244 203 1448 1514 243 136
11 Dustin Volentine 238 234 278 163 239 257 1409 1511 246 139
12 Emanuel Rigas 253 263 255 173 156 256 1356 1500 257 150
13 Ernie Majoras 276 233 257 156 168 182 1272 1464 293 186
14 Robert McCrumb 261 199 243 189 203 223 1318 1444 313 206
15 Gina Horton 256 216 243 199 193 189 1296 1434 323 216

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