2024 DV8 Nightmare Doubles 2024
Standings for DV8 Nightmare Doubles 2024

Nightmare Singles A Squad
Nightmare Singles A Squad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Cam Crowe 247 259 194 216 299 268 279 238 2000 $600.00
2 George Gohagan III 266 275 269 246 231 171 280 255 1993 $300.00
3 Sidney Schroschk 224 268 245 254 224 248 258 248 1969 $200.00
4 Carl Williams 237 269 280 279 246 180 228 235 1954 $100.00
5 Lucas Hartigan 290 232 236 247 247 229 256 192 1929 25
6 John Marsala 226 246 213 238 216 279 245 247 1910 44
7 Tyrone Stevens 211 279 222 269 224 214 246 244 1909 45
8 Nolan White 221 237 238 232 212 267 241 258 1906 48
9 Keaton Ostrowski 279 223 241 227 202 235 251 238 1896 58
10 Trey Sledge 226 225 206 299 279 224 207 222 1888 66
11 Nate Garcia 278 211 221 213 245 250 236 220 1874 80
12 Jalen Mosley 277 222 279 198 245 240 208 189 1858 96
13t Blake Walsh 238 212 246 245 265 245 237 169 1857 97
13t AJ Rice 237 233 213 217 236 237 237 247 1857 97
15 Mykel Holliman 204 268 212 226 232 234 227 246 1849 105
16 Jared Thompson 207 247 222 247 234 217 235 226 1835 119
17 Ryan Barnes 260 212 185 226 274 221 214 225 1817 137
18 Aaron Orange 226 189 258 170 279 193 248 242 1805 149
19 TIm Hartigan 210 195 227 174 242 238 257 261 1804 150
20 Micheal Martell 246 227 248 248 252 193 185 203 1802 152
21 Terrance Bright 257 259 244 181 222 206 226 205 1800 154
22 Spencer Robarge 269 187 236 224 214 216 186 226 1758 196
23 Chris Hankins 267 191 196 198 224 258 207 188 1729 225
24 Chris Sleigman 245 219 213 200 205 221 204 194 1701 253
25 Rudy Kasimakis 205 161 245 170 213 247 194 247 1682 272
26 Joshua Jones 214 192 238 183 227 206 212 200 1672 282
27 Brandon Johnston 201 222 234 199 182 150 193 226 1607 347
28 Carter Street 205 212 202 199 191 170 139 180 1498 456

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