2024 SENIOR Eliminator Tournament - Oct
Standings for SENIOR Eliminator Tournament - Oct

60+ H Sngls
60+ H Sngls 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Robert Wukasch 247 214 201 247 909 953 $80.00
2 Chuck Souzer 204 194 205 194 797 941 12 $30.00
3 Mike Davidson 248 197 197 199 841 925 28 16
4 Ray Stevens 234 203 232 202 871 919 34 22
5 Brian Copeland 209 195 223 186 813 917 36 24
6 Robert Eddy 171 205 181 226 783 895 58 46
7t Matty Robinson 171 202 168 176 717 853 100 88
7t Tony Trinidad 217 187 188 201 793 853 100 88
9 Michael Ewers 200 202 168 209 779 823 130 118
10 Mike Quirk 174 161 191 155 681 773 180 168
11 Andrew Kraft 156 143 134 160 593 761 192 180

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