2024 6 Game Sweeper
Standings for 6 Game Sweeper

Scratch 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Matt Gilman 213 235 234 300 279 258 1519
2 Alex Sankar 258 235 300 226 237 231 1487
3 Jeff Piroozshad 225 248 224 222 257 245 1421
4 David Brown 191 299 214 237 245 211 1397 24
5 Connor Ecker 224 235 215 224 201 279 1378 43
6 Troy Leonard 204 256 234 212 203 231 1340 81
7 Garrett Thompson 248 279 137 220 226 199 1309 112
8 Jamal Kahok 212 182 188 209 235 239 1265 156
9 Arianna Sankar 195 192 211 225 205 202 1230 191
10 Daniel Vasquez 190 193 205 195 231 197 1211 210
11 Daniel Romano 200 214 191 184 203 206 1198 223
12 Phillip Gray Jr 216 169 235 185 178 184 1167 254
13 Arturo Pedraza 213 189 150 153 171 192 1068 353
14 Anthony DeStasio 189 175 179 210 202 1 956 465

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