2024 Kingston USBC Youth Bowling Tournament
Standings for Kingston USBC Youth Bowling Tournament

Singles Event Class A
Singles Event Class A 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Trevor Schmiderer 218 182 178 578 785
2 Mark Hammersley Jr 248 204 241 693 780
3 Aiden Torres 174 200 199 573 759
4t Jacob Dallies 140 252 214 606 744
4t Brayden Temple 171 245 172 588 744
6 Harper Ferraro 158 246 162 566 698
7 Ike Rothman 171 182 246 599 674
8 Kenneth Winters 156 157 198 511 670
9 Samantha Schmiderer 160 224 192 576 654

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