2024 KSBO Laurel Lanes 11/23/2024
Standings for KSBO Laurel Lanes 11/23/2024

Open Sr. Sweeper
Open Sr. Sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 SCOTT HALVARSON 223 237 225 234 245 1164 $40.00
2 LEO FUNARI 258 186 212 279 225 1160 $20.00
3 TOM JAMROG 204 155 214 258 251 1082 $10.00
4 RAFE BARONE 214 193 225 223 225 1080 2
5 KEITH BECK 278 189 157 173 192 989 93
6 STEVE SOTO 219 157 203 203 168 950 132
7 JIMMIE DILLINGHAM 163 224 189 163 192 931 151
8 JEFF KNAPP 176 179 164 151 185 855 227

Scan for Standings