2024 Thanksgiving Eve Doubles
Standings for Thanksgiving Eve Doubles

Thanksgiving Eve Doubles
Thanksgiving Eve Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Thomas Poor / Brandon Lee 451 493 452 428 1824 1996 $1400.00
2 Preston Stokes / Kenn Hanle 384 392 426 459 1661 1941 $1000.00
3 Wyatt Clark / Ricky Clark 489 428 448 386 1751 1939 $800.00
4 Randy Sparks / Eric Bell 470 447 484 418 1819 1931 $650.00
5 Lucas Sands / Perry Hatfield 408 410 349 439 1606 1914 $450.00
6 Vanthana D / Adam O 323 395 365 423 1506 1906 $350.00
7 Elijah Cousins / Max Howerton 481 398 414 464 1757 1905 $300.00
8 Tony Hughes / Tim Hughes 376 349 407 418 1550 1902 $250.00
9 Carl Hoover / Scott Bender 439 364 429 401 1633 1901 $200.00
10 Rich Carlson / Vincent Schuster 382 499 411 357 1649 1883 18
11 Aanthony Smith / Aaron Smith 445 385 328 383 1541 1881 20
12 Daniel Menh / Keelan Chan 341 395 335 401 1472 1856 45
13 Wade Bryan / Cole Harris 378 395 394 336 1503 1855 46
14 Scott Snodgrass / William Renfro 386 383 447 450 1666 1846 55
15 JP Robinson / Josh Brady 377 411 406 513 1707 1843 58
16 Wes Smith / Akysta Hulsey 334 328 379 363 1404 1832 69
17 Sam Grigsby / ALISHA BREAZEALE 374 385 383 323 1465 1821 80
18 Nathan Jared / Adin Richter 372 396 358 263 1389 1809 92
19 Zac Roberts / Chance Wright 419 314 323 394 1450 1806 95
20 Nathan Stevens / Hanna Barney 325 371 347 360 1403 1799 102
21 Wesley Call / JARED HOOVER 397 444 428 357 1626 1798 103
22 Jeff Trammel / Jordan Trammell 335 343 361 322 1361 1797 104
23 Brandon Johnston / John Johnson 418 419 426 419 1682 1790 111
24 CT Chanhnouvong / Aaron May 327 344 346 311 1328 1784 117
25t Josh Pair / Eric Kvello 437 420 339 368 1564 1776 125
25t Cheyenne Bright / John Bright 322 348 339 403 1412 1776 125
27 Emily Carter / Vuthy Nem 319 390 349 298 1356 1764 137
28 Ryan Rollison / Brandon Vera 384 419 364 322 1489 1757 144
29 Chandler Tisdale / RODNEY ZWEIACHER 419 420 453 428 1720 1756 145
30 Richie Tharp / Dyanira Maldonado 393 327 348 332 1400 1748 153
31 Justin Hutcheson / Teena Hutcheson 390 353 397 352 1492 1740 161
32 Ron Stewart / Drake Drymon 313 320 314 335 1282 1738 163
33 Phone S / Marvin Menh 320 338 395 333 1386 1734 167
34 Corquis Chism / Josh Prather 336 422 498 375 1631 1731 170
35 Andrew Bonin / Andrew Stephens 440 396 456 385 1677 1725 176
36 Trent Talburt / Billy Hoffman 336 393 369 358 1456 1704 197
37 Tristan Noriega / Riley Hart 344 319 407 297 1367 1699 202
38 Carl Temple / George Blankenship 364 386 341 319 1410 1694 207
39 Josh Imhoff / Chris Seligman 407 457 424 381 1669 1685 216
40 Justin Upton / Billy Upton 325 344 361 331 1361 1681 220
41 Misti Krueger / TJ Lazar 408 307 333 311 1359 1655 246
42 Kyle Chan / AJ Loun 340 295 303 282 1220 1604 297
43 Sean Foltz / Brandon Hughes 380 318 310 236 1244 1556 345
44 Joe Turner / Jeremy Travis 273 392 301 334 1300 1540 361
45 Lonney Barney / Colby North 395 387 325 0 1107 1259 642
See individual results

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