2025 MYSTERY DOUBLES 1/7 - Tues Night Sandbaggers
Standings for MYSTERY DOUBLES 1/7 - Tues Night Sandbaggers

Bowler Roster
Bowler Roster 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Steven L'Heureux 278 267 204 749 749
2 John Barber 248 212 193 653 689
3 Juan Aponte 225 259 189 673 673
4 Jamie Riley 164 121 110 395 668
5 Anthony Mann 223 226 212 661 661
6 Allan Chrisman 191 239 222 652 652
7 Keith Schweitzer 214 212 203 629 647
8 Ken Gutierrez 170 249 197 616 619
9 Wayne Riley 159 175 173 507 534
10 Jessica Gutierrez 111 128 146 385 517

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