2025 1.26.25 CBE Open & Srs
Standings for 1.26.25 CBE Open & Srs

CBE Srs (50’s)
CBE Srs (50’s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Lance Emerson 215 211 299 248 257 269 1499 +299
2 David Leverage 237 259 245 222 258 216 1437 +237 62
3 Gary Estep 226 235 258 269 182 222 1392 +192 107
4 Jay Ciccanti 257 192 279 186 219 228 1361 +161 138
5 Ron Schloss 221 161 212 267 205 256 1322 +122 177 39
6 William Graham 194 201 223 223 256 212 1309 +109 190 52
7 Nick Paredes 178 182 257 215 200 247 1279 +79 220 82
8 Dave Cirigliano 190 257 191 235 200 182 1255 +55 244 106
9 Dennis Albani 206 222 196 247 159 181 1211 +11 288 150
10 Felipe Espriu 198 212 199 184 202 195 1190 -10 309 171
11t Mike Yarbrough 203 200 151 186 223 202 1165 -35 334 196
11t Clancy DeGroodt 198 191 181 206 183 206 1165 -35 334 196
13 Alex Arizala 189 184 158 194 202 234 1161 -39 338 200
14 Rick Kouri 204 159 156 175 200 213 1107 -93 392 254
15 Brian Vangordon 204 158 189 199 172 183 1105 -95 394 256
16 Roy McKnight 165 139 203 201 175 216 1099 -101 400 262
17 Derrick Ray 175 188 171 130 163 222 1049 -151 450 312
18 Devon Saunders 146 218 200 136 158 140 998 -202 501 363

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