2022 AG Proshops Sweeper May
Standings for AG Proshops Sweeper May

Eliminator Hdcp (final)
Eliminator Hdcp 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jeff Piroozshad 171 (169) 174 (172) 181 (179) 267 (265) 785 793 $80.00
2 Daniel Romano 199 (152) 187 (140) 183 (136) 261 (214) 642 830 $40.00
3 Allin Williams 158 (111) 183 (136) 217 (170) 230 (183) 600 788 $10.00
4 JJ Salomon 193 (171) 177 (155) 208 (186) 222 (200) 712 800
5 HOMER BELLA 201 (162) 187 (148) 214 (175) 219 (180) 665 821
6 Ben Broomfield 197 (168) 221 (192) 205 (176) 216 (187) 723 839
7t Ace Chavis, Jr 170 (146) 196 (172) 216 (192) 213 (189) 699 795
7t James C Ross 189 (145) 179 (135) 177 (133) 213 (169) 582 758
9 DANIEL VASQUEZ 190 (173) 252 (235) 156 (139) 199 (182) 729 797
10 MARCO DIECI 227 (182) 233 (188) 167 (122) 195 (150) 642 822
11 Mike Jacobson 212 (195) 192 (175) 214 (197) 194 (177) 744 812
12 Ryan Melillo 181 (135) 213 (167) 206 (160) 192 (146) 608 792
13 Anthony Crews 186 (172) 228 (214) 205 (191) 181 (167) 744 800
14 Scott Taylor 185 (145) 187 (147) 160 (120) 170 (130) 542 702
15 Edward Gatto 219 (187) 169 (137) 173 (141) 144 (112) 577 705
16 Frank Wilson III 168 (134) 239 (205) 159 (125) 464 566