2023 1/20 Handicap Eliminator
Standings for 1/20 Handicap Eliminator

Survivor Pot
Sorted by: last game
Survivor Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Cam Crowe 257 (257) 232 (232) 278 (278) 767 767 $45.00
2 Andrew Tau 234 (212) 223 (201) 212 (190) 603 669 $25.00
3 Tim Cook 254 (233) 221 (200) 211 (190) 623 686 $10.00
4 Dean Mueller 252 (248) 225 (221) 206 (202) 671 683
5 Jared Symonds 251 (246) 217 (212) 458 468 elim
6 Vaughn Kator 224 (221) 207 (204) 425 431 elim
7 Brandon Cerventas 229 (225) 200 (196) 421 429 elim
8 Jon Turoff 264 (259) 197 (192) 451 461 elim
9 Chris Evans 221 (221) 221 221 elim
10 Craig Keith 211 (211) 211 211 elim
11 Stelios Kouvelas 210 (210) 210 210 elim
12 Chris Lewicki 192 (161) 161 192 elim
13 Rogue Foppe 184 (180) 180 184 elim
14 Alex Kouvelas 179 (174) 174 179 elim
15 Curtis Massat 165 (144) 144 165 elim
16 Gregory Jungels 158 (136) 136 158 elim