2023 TZT - Cypress
Standings for TZT - Cypress

HDCP ELIM (hidden)
HDCP ELIM 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Matthew Kerns 220 (209) 246 (235) 265 (254) 311 (300) 998 1042 $50.00
2 Walter Williams 196 (196) 215 (215) 225 (225) 235 (235) 871 871
3 Kevin Bond 237 (221) 206 (190) 154 (138) 549 597 elim
4 Tiree Pollard 199 (174) 205 (180) 354 404 elim
5 Tim Viegel 175 (163) 163 175 elim