2024 CATL Rice 3-3-2024
Standings for CATL Rice 3-3-2024

2nd set Hdcp Eliminator
Sorted by: last game
2nd set Hdcp Eliminator 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Lawrence Willis IV 254 (254) 246 (246) 258 (258) 758 758 $30.00
2 Kyle Lovell 220 (191) 254 (225) 188 (159) 575 662 $20.00
3 Lawrence Willis III 237 (215) 245 (223) 169 (147) 585 651
4 Bruce Thomas 231 (190) 209 (168) 358 440 elim
5 John Anderson 214 (199) 206 (191) 390 420 elim
6 RON GOZA 267 (240) 199 (172) 412 466 elim
7 THELTON COBB 200 (166) 166 200 elim
8 CURTIS DORRELL 199 (171) 171 199 elim
9 ALEX SCHOLES 194 (192) 192 194 elim
10 Alex Thomas 184 (167) 167 184 elim
11 Cliff EDWARDS 164 (157) 157 164 elim