2024 CATL 11-17-24 Week 8 Central Lanes
Standings for CATL 11-17-24 Week 8 Central Lanes

$5 Elim 4-6
Sorted by: last game
$5 Elim 4-6 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 CORQUIS CHISM 235 (225) 258 (248) 268 (258) 731 761 $25.00
2 JUSTIN MORING 228 (180) 202 (154) 263 (215) 549 693 $15.00
3 CLIFF EDWARDS 266 (256) 233 (223) 236 (226) 705 735
4 TONY PENNINGTON 228 (200) 282 (254) 221 (193) 647 731
5 RON GOZA 226 (198) 187 (159) 215 (187) 544 628
6 ALEX THOMAS SR 214 (189) 181 (156) 208 (183) 528 603
7 KELVIN ROBERSON 212 (169) 169 212 elim
8 JOSH IMHOFF 211 (211) 211 211 elim
9 QUADIR BROADWAY 196 (169) 169 196 elim
10 KYLE LOVELL 195 (156) 156 195 elim
11 KEENAN CAMP 191 (165) 165 191 elim